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Art of the Intangible - A talk by Peter Higgins RDI and Lol Sargent RCA

  • Blake Studio, Norwich School Norwich Norfolk (map)

With the advent of Blockchain and NFTs, digital art has come of age. Digital artists now have the means to authenticate their work, gallerists sell it as a unique creation, and buyers safeguard their ownership. 

Peter and Lol’s talk will begin at around the turn of the millennium where they first met, and subsequently collaborated on the multi-award winning Play Zone experience at the Millennium Dome, which included a number of highly innovative international digital artists’ installations. 

As designer and artist, they will reference their digital arts influences, interests and own practice over the following 20 years, leading to their observations of how the worlds of fine art and communication design –rough the digital –are converging into less distinctive individual disciplines, now sitting alongside painting, sculpture and print, as the ‘intangible’ fourth medium.

Members £3, Non-members £5

UEA, NUA, City College Norwich & Norwich School students FREE!